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Ways You Can Care for Your Senior with Diabetes


According to the American Diabetes Association, 25% of the US population ages 65 and above has diabetes. This could entail higher mortality, reduced functional status, and being sent to a skilled nursing facility in Houston, Texas if their condition is not managed well.

If your senior is currently living with diabetes, here are some tips on how you can help them manage their diabetes:

  • Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle
    They do not have to alter their lifestyles in one go. Make healthy changes bit by bit so that they are not overwhelmed by the change. Start with preparing healthier meals for them and doing light exercises as prescribed by their physician.
  • Practice Healthy Stress Management
    Stress can negatively impact your senior’s blood sugar levels. With that, your senior must learn how to manage stress more positively. Have them practice self-care techniques, like yoga, meditation, or maybe even gardening.
  • Maintain Medication Adherence
    Help your seniors with adhering to their prescriptions by reminding them. You can also help organize their medications with pill organizers, so they don’t take too much, too little, or run out. Medication is an essential part of diabetes management, so you need to make sure that they are on top of it.

Do you need extra assistance in elderly care?

Allied Home Health is a provider of home health in Houston, Texas, aiding you in ensuring your loved one maintains an optimal quality of life as they spend their golden years at home.

If you want to know more about our services, contact us today.

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