Caregiving Tips: What to Know About Catheter Care

Caregiving Tips: What to Know About Catheter Care

A catheter is a flexible tube used for draining urine from the bladder of a person who may be having difficulty passing urine naturally. A doctor will recommend using a urinary catheter when a person has a blockage or injury in the urethra, bladder weakness or nerve damage, or kidney stones, among others.

Are you providing elderly care to a senior with an incontinence problem that’s making use of a catheter? Here’s what you need to know:

  • Catheter Care

    Make sure to wash your hands before and after handling the catheter. You must clean the catheter, change the drainage bags, and wash them every day. Use mild soap and water. If you see blood or urine around where the catheter enters the body, that’s normal, especially when walking or having a bowel movement.

  • Showering with Catheter

    If you’re showering, don’t take a bath until your catheter is removed to prevent your risk of infection. Always shower with your night bag, and never shower with your leg bag. It’s recommended that you take showers in the morning.

  • Prevent Infections

    Make sure that the drainage bag is always below the level of their bladder and off the floor. Keep the catheter secure to their thigh, so it does not move. Also, shower daily to keep their catheter clean.

Do you need assistance in caring for your senior who requires catheter care?

You can rely on a provider of home health in Houston, Texas. Allied Home Health provides a wide range of private duty services, catering to the needs of seniors and people living with disabilities.

If your loved one is staying at a skilled nursing facility in Texas, our professionals can accommodate them there as well.

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